The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on Health Belief Model and Social Support on the Rate of Participation of Individuals in Performing Fecal Occult Blood Test for Colorectal Cancer Screening

The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on Health Belief Model and Social Support on the Rate of Participation of Individuals in Performing Fecal Occult Blood Test for Colorectal Cancer Screening

چاپ صفحه
صفحه نخست سامانه
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علوم پزشکی فسا
علوم پزشکی فسا

نویسندگان: علی خانی جیحونی

نشریه: The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (APJCP) , 19 , 10 , 2018/10/16

اطلاعات کلی مقاله

کد مقاله 10125
عنوان فارسی مقاله The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on Health Belief Model and Social Support on the Rate of Participation of Individuals in Performing Fecal Occult Blood Test for Colorectal Cancer Screening
عنوان لاتین مقاله The Effect of Educational Intervention Based on Health Belief Model and Social Support on the Rate of Participation of Individuals in Performing Fecal Occult Blood Test for Colorectal Cancer Screening
نوع مقاله پژوهشی اصیل
عنوان نشریه The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (APJCP)
محل انتشار
نمایه نامه Medline - PubMed
تاریخ انتشار (شمسی) 1397/08/02
تاریخ انتشار (میلادی) 2018/10/16
صفحه شروع و پایان 2777 - 2787
DOI 10.22034/APJCP.2018.19.10.2777
Impact Factor
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نویسنده نفر چندم مقاله
علی خانی جیحونیمسئول

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